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Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I know what you're thinking. Who would name their child Wanda. I thought the same thing too when I first met her. Gorgeous of a girl. Colombian, dark black hair, dark eyes, not too curvy but she did get her boobs done a year after we stopped dating. But this is her story.

I was working for a company in building full of professional people. There weren't too many young inexperienced people so my choices for dating a coworker were slim. Luckily I landed a good looking one. I met Wanda in passing through a mutual friend and we started hanging out and going to lunch. At work we had a x-mas party and I made my famous tres leches (3 milk) desert and she instantly fell in love with me as if cupid hit her with a ruphie and ecstasy dipped arrow.

So we started going out and being together on weekends. There was only one problem. She lived an hour and a half away, and she wouldn't drive down to see me. So like a sucker, I did this for like 2 months while wining and dining her only to hear that she would just like to be friends.

What is up with that? I learned my lesson about dating coworkers though, now every time we bump into each other we have to deal with the awkward fake conversation asking "What have you been up to?"

Dating tip: Date girls that live closer to you

Here is a pic of the tres leches desert I can make... invite me to your next party and I'll bring one of these bad boys too.


Here is a pic of what she looks like, I'll upload an actual pic of her later.



  1. join your blogclicker dude.

    btw, awesome site.

    following you.

  2. Right now I can not follow you, there is some error's on my PC. I will try later, supportin!

  3. Mmm. That does look good. I'm gonna have to go look for recipes now.

  4. wow, that cake looks delicious.

  5. man that is messed up if that is true.

  6. You should give me your recipe, it looks awesome :o

  7. Never NEVER date a person you work with!
    Unless you know they will put out. :)

    Your blog is becoming quite the exercise in melancholy! How about a chick story with a more upbeat ending?

  8. My next post will have a happier ending... I'll dedicate it to Rorschach.

  9. That cake looks more delicions than her, although she's pretty hot :/

  10. mmmmmmm cake mmmmmm sexy lady cant go wrong !

  11. Dude so sorry to hear about that. *raises beer as toast*

  12. cake ... looks like ... a tasty cake ... mmmmm

  13. I'd eat that cake right off of her va... Wait. What?

  14. man, tres leches is my favorite type of cake <3
